• Author Doug McPheters

McPheters Books

By Doug McPheters

Criminal Opera

Criminal Opera

“Criminal Opera” is about applying the Nuremberg punishments to people and companies that organized and managed what some call Covid 19. Because they caused a multitude of unnecessary deaths and lingering debilitating health issues. All designed to reap huge financial rewards for the evil doers, the healthcare “professionals” and the pharmaceutical companies. The Hippocratic Oath (“do no wrong”) has been pushed aside by financial opportunities.

“Criminal Opera” also includes a Federal criminal child-trafficking trial. Because the mother of David Garvey’s granddaughter (age 7) wants to take her to California for “gender reassignment,” David and his son fight a fierce custody battle.

By Doug McPheters


Stepping On Fingers

 Lea Holderness, a school teacher in far northern New York, was sent to a Russian penal colony by a US religious court for disobeying government commands about American anti-Constitutional laws. The Movement helps her escape, return to America and rescue her young daughter from the government’s clutches. Once back in the US, Lea helps the Movement thin the ranks of corrupt public officials before escaping to Flyover Country. This gripping thriller includes many other unrelated adventures.

By Doug McPheters



After the Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union disintegrated, David Garvey, a Manhattan international lawyer, built a hugely profitable loan-sharking operation in Russia and nearby countries in Eastern Europe. David’s fund quickly amassed large pools of collateral for high-interest loans – home and apartment mortgages as well as business and personal collateral. 

Seeing all of these financial instruments as leverage for getting around biting international economic sanctions, the Iraqis looked for ways to steal them from David’s Königsberg Fund – first by co-opting his syndicate of bank lenders and then by attacking David and his family. 

Sparked by innovative technology imagined and patented by the author, this fast-moving thriller plays out in the streets and courtrooms of Manhattan and Northern and Eastern Europe.


Author Doug McPheters

Doug’s experience as an international business lawyer in Manhattan and his invention and commercializing of innovative touchless, holographic HoloTouch® human-machine interface technology (operate electronics by merely passing a finger through holographic images of keys or buttons, floating freely in the air) inspired his financial and legal thriller, “Goshawk.” 

He is a graduate of Yale College and the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a member of the New York Bar. After Yale, he served as Chief Engineer of the USS Tigrone, a unit of the US Atlantic Submarine Force, where he was qualified as Officer of the Deck (Surfaced and Submerged). 

Doug lives in Arizona and plays tuba in the Central Arizona Concert Band in Prescott, Arizona. 

Book Reviews

Doug McPheters
