#Criminal,  #Danger,  #FinancialThrillers,  #Goshawk

Danger at the State Fair

When David Garvey’s two sons were about to be kidnapped at the Bangor State Fair:

“The boys heard an anguished female voice in the dark of the funhouse: “Can you please help? I fell down and I can’t get up. Please help me!”

“Will, give me a hand! Sounds like a woman needs help. Smells like a woman too!”

Trying to get his bearings, Peter dropped to his knees on the creaky plywood flooring. Will fumbled in the pocket of his jeans and brightly announced, “I’ve got a penlight!”

Peter and Will saw a very pretty blonde woman lying in a heap against a badly scraped green plywood panel, one ankle turned sharply behind her. “I am hurting foot. You please can help me with getting outside? I think there’s door ahead.”

Peter peered back toward the entrance and then ahead into the darkness. “How’d you know there’s a door nearby?”

Ani silently gnashed her teeth, probably already wondering why she had gotten into this dangerous scheme, this deep. She could deal with passive children she was used to back in Poland. The Garvey boys seemed like tough city kids!

….“Can I have your light?” she asked Will sweetly. “Not to keep!”

She grabbed the light and shone the beam in Peter’s face. “You are Peter Garvey?”

Peter drew a shocked breath.

“Who are you? How do you know who I—” Peter clammed up as quickly as he had begun.

“I am Villa Martin. I am working for your father. He sent me to take you home.”

“You have a strange accent. What’s the password?” Will demanded. “What you mean pass—”

“Run! Run, Peter!” Will screamed at the top of his lungs. “She’s going to kidnap us!”


#ferriswheel, #funhouse, #frieddough, #kidnapping, #turncoatGOSHAWK AUTHOR DOUG MCPHETERS