#Danger,  #Heroines,  #PatrioticThrillers,  #SteppingonFingers

Help on its Way to Lea

Near the beginning of  “Stepping on Fingers,” Saddam Hussein’s former bagman and the impeached governor of Georgia are on their way to find Lea:

“The knot in Tariq’s stomach tightened several turns as the Syracuse airport’s exit booth’s occupant came into view.  Clearly, the young Iraqi had expected yet another rumpled home-spun.  On close inspection, albeit from some distance, he was startled to see a tall, ramrod-straight officer clad in a tightly fitting naval blouse, accented by a neat vertical row of polished gold buttons that directed Tariq’s attention, first to the man’s gray handlebar mustache and then his piercing blue eyes.  From the polished black leather belt, just above the edge of the booth, to the peak of his military officer’s hat, set off by well-worn golden braid, everything about this man said, “I mean business!”  And, partially hidden from Tariq’s line of sight, what looked like a holstered pistol hung from the black leather belt.  The dictator’s treasured nephew looked nervously toward former Governor STEPPING ON FINGERS BY DOUG MCPHETERSBuddy Lassiter, who grinned idiotically.

“What next, MR. EXPERT?”

“If you’re talking to me, you arrogant little shit,” Lassiter replied, “I’m going to just sit here on my oversized ass and see what kind of stuff you’re really made of.”

“What….?” Tariq gulped, beginning to perspire as the hover glided closer and closer to the guard booth.  “What if we get stopped?  You’ll get caught too.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no.  Remember, I spend a lot more time here than you do.  You have no idea of the friends I’ve made.”


#airportsecurity, #beggar, #amish, #hovercraft