First, “Goshawk (34 5-stars on Amazon and growing),” “Stepping on Fingers” ramping up and now “Criminal Opera” moving toward the printer and release to thriller lovers everywhere. Each providing special entertainment from a different angle.
Writing thrillers is not always quick – my novels usually contain about 95,000 words. I take great care to make my novels both accurate and compelling.
“Criminal Opera” is about applying the Nuremberg punishments to people and companies that organized and managed what some call Covid 19. Because they caused a multitude of unnecessary deaths and lingering debilitating health issues. All designed to reap huge financial rewards for the evil doers, the healthcare “professionals” and the pharmaceutical companies. The Hippocratic Oath (“do no wrong”) has been pushed aside by financial opportunities.
“Criminal Opera” also includes a Federal criminal child-trafficking trial. Because the mother of David Garvey’s granddaughter (age 7) wants to take her to California for “gender reassignment,” David and his son fight a fierce custody battle. › manhattan
#iraqiassassin, #murderinthecourt, #childtrafficking, #genderreassignment
Autographed copies of “Goshawk” and “Stepping on Fingers” are available in the areas of Prescott and Prescott Valley, AZ, by contacting the author at 203.588.9808. Once printed, copies of “Criminal Opera” will be similarly available.