Source of “Stepping on Fingers” title: “David was worried the professionally dressed woman still jammed against Gillespie’s right shoulder might remember him as the platform under him began to vibrate with the throaty rumble of the coming train’s arrival, its…
Remembering the Fallen
Remembering the crew of the U.S.S. Picuda in “Goshawk:” “Ensign Luther Marsden pulled himself up the ladder, eyes at the level of David’s scuffed and oil-stained boot tops, running his fingers through a short red crew-cut. “What’s up?” the young…
A Voice from the Past
After Buddy Lassiter finds Lea and their daughter in “Stepping on Fingers:” “Loud knocking at the front door interrupted the conversation. Drak stuck his pistol behind his belt in the middle of the back and scurried over to the front…
An Unplanned Procedure
Near the beginning of “Stepping on Fingers,” Lea awakens to a new horror: “As light and dark began to drift apart, I felt something very heavy holding my wrists tight against a frigid, waxy metal surface. Except for patches of…
Prologue of “Goshawk”
Diving into “Goshawk:” “Layla again wearily surveyed the pile of supplies on the frozen ground in front of her, which included a small, waterproof black plastic pouch of emergency rations, a larger canvas bag, and her own AK-47. The weapon…
Relieving some Tension
As “Stepping on Fingers” unfolds, saving Lea: “Despite some closure from disposing of Judge Beckinsale, Lea remained concerned about the explosive device embedded in her neck and the amulet between her breasts. It was supposed to fool the bomb about…
Hail to the Vegetable
Part of “Criminal Opera (coming soon)” is about the befuddled old man set up to appear as America’s President, whom I call the Vegetable. In light of today’s criminal conviction of President Trump, orchestrated by the Vegetable’s handlers, here’s a…
There Goes the Judge
After Lea returned to America from the Russian penal colony and rescued her young daughter, Clara, she started on the Movement’s assignments to bring back freedom: “The good news is the Movement doesn’t mind if we put the judge under…
On the Way to Find Lea
Near the beginning of “Stepping on Fingers,” Tariq and former governor Lassiter try to leave Syracuse airport to find Lea: “Wellll,” former governor Lassiter stuttered, “what can I do for you, kind sir? My father used to beat me, was…
David Garvey Narrowly Survives Attack
After Marja faded away, near the beginning of “Goshawk:” “David slipped the thumb drive Marja has pressed into his hand at the end into the external drive recessed into the wall beside the bathroom’s double sink. Next, he turned with…