“Goshawk” is about a New York lawyer’s crafting of a loan sharking business in what was left of the Soviet Union after the Berlin Wall came down. That business became so successful that the Iraqis tried to steal it to escape international sanctions and it played out in New York courts. That thriller’s author became more and more aware of the fraud and deception perpetrated by the MockingBird media, funded in part by the pharmaceutical industry. The most glaring fraud: the Covid-19 “vaccines are safe and effective,” parroted by Fauci’s Coordinator. She later admitted in her book that’s not true. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, the largest source of…
Catching Readers’ Interest
The author of McPheters Books enjoys reading the works of three specific American authors and occasional Scandinavian writers. He often rereads their particularly compelling works, sometimes in large print for a more relaxing process. He prefers thrillers and that’s what…
Surprising Nuremberg Parallels
Many members of the Nazi military command structure were punished during the original Nuremberg trials for their failure to obtain non-coerced consent to medical procedures and for not explaining their effectiveness or safety. Beginning with the American Revolutionary War, the…
Making Novels Exciting
A novel deserves to be compelling and exciting, more than just a collection of words. That can be best achieved by a skillful mixture of fact and fiction, drawn from the author’s life experiences, learning and objectives. Originality can draw…
Nuremberg Lives
The novel, “Criminal Opera,” explains how punishments originating with the Nuremberg treaty created by the victors of World War II, America, France, Great Britain and Russia, should be applied to the people who created and managed the phony plandemic and…
Spreading the Net
Applying the Nuremberg punishments is underway even if many choose to believe the treaty that created those punishments was so long ago that it no longer applies. The reality: Irmgard Furchner, 97, a former secretary for the SS commander of…
Exciting Openings Grab Readers
One of my favorite examples of how accuracy and creativity enhance the appeal of a novel is from “Throw Momma from the Train,” In that film, Billy Crystal played a creative writing instructor. A female student announces she’s doing a…
Novels with Facts and Fiction
Novels offered by McPheters Books combine verifiable facts unknown to those who only get their information from the so-called “Legacy Media” or the government. Plus they contain compelling and interesting facts and fiction. One favorite is the female doctor with…
Joe Slinks Away
In case you haven’t noticed, Joe Biden or his body double or clone is no longer pretending to be President of the United States, having been replaced in a landslide election. Details were recently underlined that showed the American military…
Apply Nuremberg Rules?
How can anyone credibly claim that the Nuremberg rules no longer apply when a 97-year-old woman, Irmgard Furchner, was recently convicted for her role in the murders of thousands of people? She was only a secretary in one of the…
Nuremberg Rules Remain in Effect
Recent Reuters headline: “former concentration camp secretary, 97, convicted of Nazi war crimes.” As the result of a criminal trial that was delayed in September 2021 when Irmgard Furchner went on the run, she was later given a two-year suspended…