Near the beginning of “Stepping on Fingers,” Tariq and former governor Lassiter try to leave Syracuse airport to find Lea: “Wellll,” former governor Lassiter stuttered, “what can I do for you, kind sir? My father used to beat me, was…
Involves violating laws
David Garvey Narrowly Survives Attack
After Marja faded away, near the beginning of “Goshawk:” “David slipped the thumb drive Marja has pressed into his hand at the end into the external drive recessed into the wall beside the bathroom’s double sink. Next, he turned with…
Dream of Choice v. Dream Picker
The beginning of an inventor’s quest to protect his patents for an innovation that allowed people to select a night’s dream in “Stepping on Fingers,” from an infringing corporation: “Mordoff had endured the delay and expense of obtaining broad US…
Escaping from Russia through Finland
Early in “Stepping on Fingers,” Lea is surrounded by her two minders as their train stops at the Russian-Finnish border: “As Lea listened intently to the Russian border guards clomping slowly toward them through the next carriage, Willy snuggled against…
David’s Motion against NeuBank Delayed
A bit about “Goshawk,” while David Garvey’s team awaits for its pending motion against NeuBank to be called: “What you mean contempt?” Konashita, the sumo wrestler demanded. “If you do not behave properly, the Court will impose fines on you…
Danger at the State Fair
When David Garvey’s two sons were about to be kidnapped at the Bangor State Fair: “The boys heard an anguished female voice in the dark of the funhouse: “Can you please help? I fell down and I can’t get up.…
Mayhem in the Courtroom
One of many gripping scenes in “Goshawk:” “If you do not behave properly, the Court will impose fines on you and, if you still do not act in accordance with the rules of this Court, you might be sent to…
Memorial Day in Camden, Maine
Lea returns to America after escaping from Russian penal colony, the beginning of Memorial Day: “Propped up by nearly identical VA-issued aluminum canes, two bent old men in dark blue uniforms leaned over to salute a headless gray granite statue…
Iraqi Hit Team
The Prologue of “Goshawk:” “Like a grotesque nightmare, a silent slide show of horrors cycled through Layla’s exhausted brain. She relived pushing her younger brother, Sami, on an old tire hanging from a frayed rope behind Liberate the Delta Secondary…
North Country Justice
Here’s an initial part of Doug McPheters’s “Stepping on Fingers,” where Lea Holderness is sent to a Russian penal colony by a US religious court for disagreeing with new laws restricting traditional Americans freedoms: “But I didn’t do anything wrong! …