In “Goshawk,” David Garvey is escaping from Finland in the innovative jet he cleverly designed and skillfully flies: “In front of him, an enormous 789 turned slowly to the left and lumbered out onto the main runway. The jumbo jet…
Thrillers with financial subjects
A Planning Session with the Iraqi Dictator
The beginning of the Iraqi plan to steal David Garvey’s financial business in “Goshawk:” “Respected Leader paused for an instant, then continued his diatribe. “Even if we could move money around those despicable United Nations sanctions, if even a scent…
Don’t Miss “Goshawk” and “Stepping on Fingers” on the way to “Criminal Opera”
Exciting action in “Goshawk” and “Stepping on Fingers” on the way to “Criminal Opera (on the way to the printers shortly):” How Lea escaped from Russian Penal Colony 627 in “Stepping on Fingers:” “However,” the doctor continued, “the Movement’s technicians…
Fun in Finland’s Lake Country
David and Marja together in “Goshawk:” “Nothing’s more erotic than sitting cheek to thigh with you in the sauna, unless it’s having your head on my shoulder and listening to your heart beat in this luxurious bed, under our own…
Love and Terror in Doug’s Books
All of Doug’s books, starting with “Goshawk (34 five-star reviews on Amazon and growing), thrill readers with intense relationships, dangerous challenges and strident legal issues: “And you know, David, I have surprise for you.” He grabbed playfully at the hem…
Prologue of “Goshawk”
Diving into “Goshawk:” “Layla again wearily surveyed the pile of supplies on the frozen ground in front of her, which included a small, waterproof black plastic pouch of emergency rations, a larger canvas bag, and her own AK-47. The weapon…
David Garvey Narrowly Survives Attack
After Marja faded away, near the beginning of “Goshawk:” “David slipped the thumb drive Marja has pressed into his hand at the end into the external drive recessed into the wall beside the bathroom’s double sink. Next, he turned with…
Iraqis After David Another Way
In “Goshawk,” David Garvey was taking a robo-cab to meet with his legal team at a Japanese restaurant: “In less than the blink of an eye, David turned the right handle protrudingfrom the steel plate slowly clockwise, screwing the plate…
David Garvey’s Pregnant Lover in Danger
Part of the beginning of “Goshawk:” “David leaned over to gently caress the line of her chin but couldn’t bring himself to disturb her slumber. Then David quietly eased himself out of their bed and tiptoed across a narrow patch…
David’s Motion against NeuBank Delayed
A bit about “Goshawk,” while David Garvey’s team awaits for its pending motion against NeuBank to be called: “What you mean contempt?” Konashita, the sumo wrestler demanded. “If you do not behave properly, the Court will impose fines on you…