As “Stepping on Fingers” unfolds, saving Lea: “Despite some closure from disposing of Judge Beckinsale, Lea remained concerned about the explosive device embedded in her neck and the amulet between her breasts. It was supposed to fool the bomb about…
#Political Thrillers
Thrillers with political subjects
Escaping Lea’s Minder
In “Stepping on Fingers,” Lea takes action to save herself in a New Hampshire church where she and Drak were staying. “A sudden calm enveloped Lea. Her attention was drawn back to the large, heavy, circular floor polisher. Its three-pronged…
Escaping from Russia through Finland
Early in “Stepping on Fingers,” Lea is surrounded by her two minders as their train stops at the Russian-Finnish border: “As Lea listened intently to the Russian border guards clomping slowly toward them through the next carriage, Willy snuggled against…
Terror on 39th Street
Doug McPheters’s next novel,”Criminal Opera,” is in process. It’s about David Garvey’s project to apply Nuremberg punishments to people and companies who created and managed the phony “Covid” pandemic that unnecessarily killed and injured so many unsuspecting people. Here’s a…
Crisis in the Subway
A peek at action in “Stepping on Fingers:” “David gave Gillespie a sharp hip-check. Gillespie lost his grip on his litigation bag and tumbled onto the train tracks, landing in a puddle of used condoms, cigarette butts and yesterday’s third…