#Criminal,  #PatrioticThrillers,  #Thrillers,  Criminal Opera

“Criminal Opera” Published

My third book, “Criminal Opera,” was published on November 22, 2024, about the same time as “The Pfizer Papers” by Dr. Naomi Wolf with Amy Kelly.

“The Pfizer Papers” is an exhaustive analysis of complex and detailed Pfizer “vaccine” information made public after a courageous Federal judge derailed Pfizer’s attempt to keep its “vaccine” information secret for 75 years, as supported by whoever controls the current corrupt “administration’s” Food and Drug Administration. “The Pfizer Papers” reveals a wide variety of nefarious acts by Pfizer to conceal the worldwide disastrous effects of its “vaccines,” which caused the death and maiming of millions around the world while many became very rich. The current “administration” and the lackey Mockingbird media vigorously censored anyone who dared speak about this criminal information.

“Criminal Opera,” is about the next logical step to follow the revelations of “The Pfizer Papers” – applying the Nuremberg punishments to those who created and managed the phony plandemic and killed and injured millions while getting rich. Too many Sheeple disastrously assume the present “administration” and its co-conspirators had the public’s best interests at heart.

In our electronic society, the computer-waves are inundated with who said what to whom, which politician sent a sharply worded demand to whom, etc. but nothing is actually being done about this continuing evil that should never rest easy or be allowed to ever happen again. People should be unlimbering the pitchforks!

“Criminal Opera” is listed on Amazon and is expected to be in my hands shortly.