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Escaping from Syracuse Airport

Former Governor Lassiter and Tariq leaving Syracuse airport in search of Lea, in “Stepping on Fingers:”

“Pulling up a pace or two short of the guard station, the hovercraft slowed to a stop and automatically opened its left wing.  Lassiter leaned through the open space, his best baby-kissing smile plastered on his jowly cheeks.

“Documents!  Your papers, please,” the guard demanded, his left hand extended, reminding Tariq ever so much like a carefully groomed Stasi border guard on the border checkpoint between West and East Germany before the Wall came down.

“Why how are y’all today, Colonel?  Believe everything’s here you need,” Lassiter babbled, passing his identity card to the guard along with Tariq’s documents.

In the hover’s back seat, the young Iraqi bent over an oblong black metal box, to which the two wires were now firmly attached.  As he slowly turned a small rheostat in the clockwise direction, the black box began to whine, louder and louder, until Tariq covered it with the tail of his suit jacket to muffle the sound.”


#security, #traveldocuments,
STEPPING ON FINGERS BY DOUG MCPHETERS#hovercraft, #electricshock