#Criminal,  #Danger,  #FinancialThrillers,  #Goshawk

Flying High

In “Goshawk,” David Garvey is escaping from Finland in the innovative jet he cleverly designed and skillfully flies:

“In front of him, an enormous 789 turned slowly to the left and lumbered out onto the main runway. The jumbo jet sported a lit tail emblazoned with a blue gazelle bounding through an orange circle. The pilot’s banter with Vantaa International’s tower revealed many lands and times: Afrikaans-flavored English answering English spoken by a Finn whose native tongue was probably Swedish. Even inside Goshawk’s sealed cabin, pulsing turbine thunder riveted David’s attention on the South African heavy as it surged toward peak power before beginning its takeoff roll.

“Tower, Polish Postal 261 (David used a phony ID), holding Cat III, request takeoff clearance Runway Two Romeo.”

“Roger, Polish Postal. Cleared for takeoff runway Two Romeo. How do you copy, over?”

“Roger, Tower, copy cleared takeoff runway Two Romeo.”

Again pushing her throttle yoke forward slightly and giving her right engine slightly more juice, David coaxed Goshawk to the left and out onto Runway 2R, feeling the seam of the concrete pavement thump under her rubber tires. Together, David and Marja quickly finished the remainder of their checklist, an ever so faint duet on the near edge of darkness.

“Cycle slats!” Marja ordered

“Check slats cycled and extended,” David confirmed.

“Full throttle both engines!” Marja demanded.

“Indicates FIREWALL throttles,” David replied doggedly, jamming both throttle levers past their normal full-power range into their forward stops. With a sense of growing excitement, he watched both engine tachometers lurch into the red danger zone. His life on the line, David knew there was no reason to be timid any longer. He had to reclaim the initiative.”


#assassinationattempt, #escape, #flyingfree, #returnthefight

Autographed copies of “Goshawk” and “Stepping on Fingers” are available in Prescott and Prescott Valley, Arizona, by calling the author at 203.588.9808. “Criminal Opera,” which was published today, will be available soon.