#Criminal,  #PatrioticThrillers,  Criminal Opera

Hail to the Vegetable

Part of “Criminal Opera (coming soon)” is about the befuddled old man set up to appear as America’s President, whom I call the Vegetable. In light of today’s criminal conviction of President Trump, orchestrated by the Vegetable’s handlers, here’s a sample:

“Anyone who closely watched the procession from Biden’s “inauguration” to the White House may have noticed that the troops posted along the route were mostly facing away from the motorcade. That is most unusual.  Then and long since there have been many signs the military knew the 2020 election and its following “inauguration” was a travesty. There was also an unfamiliar Oriental man at the Vegetable’s side during the entire process – some think he was the Vegetable’s controller. Many have wondered whether the subject of attention is a Biden double or a clone, either case controlled by others. Many of his characteristics, like ear lobes or their attachment to chins, don’t change with age and are different from when he was in the Senate.

Many former American military members are quite familiar with the military dress code. Some have pointed out that troops in Biden’s presence, for example, when he boards Marine One or stumbles around wherever he happens to be, are wearing uniforms that don’t follow the exact details of military dress rules. Perhaps the people around the Vegetable whose controllers want to look like military personnel are actually actors whose handlers don’t know how to dress them in a way that is consistent with military uniform requirements.

If that seems picky, videos of the “inauguration,” which took place on a set, not where those events normally happen, changed the color of women’s shoes in different parts of the “ceremony.” That suggests they had the opportunity to change their shoes, perhaps another day or a different part of the same day. Was that because more time was needed to change out clones or doubles for the Vegetable or others participating in the event?

Creating clones never gets all the details right, even though the process begins with the real person’s DNA. Even a carefully chosen double cannot match every feature.

More recent widely published insults to present and former members of our military include having supposed American honor guards carry flags of the CCP during the Vegetable’s meetings with Chairman Xi Jinping in San Francisco. Where that city’s newly poop-free streets were festooned with CCP flags. And don’t forget the Vegetable’s stumbling around while pretending to present a wreath at the Tomb on Veteran’s Day when the “soldier” had to show him where to go next.”


#compromisedjudge, #bribery, #groundsforappeal, #constitution